
Friday, June 1, 2012

中秋节快乐 Watching the Mid-Autumn Moon


Happy Mid-Autumn (Mooncake) Festival! 中秋节快乐!
Happy Mid-Autumn (Mooncake) Festival! 中秋节快乐!

























Chinese moon festival traditions and poetry
By Zhi Zhen

The Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival falls on Sept. 12 this year. It’s the night when the moon is full and near to earth, and shines most brightly. On this major Chinese holiday families and friends gather to enjoy each other’s company, share food, and eat moon cake. The holiday is based on the lunar calendar and has a tradition that goes back many centuries.

Since ancient times, the moon had rich meaning to Chinese people whose calendar, planting season and life were all tied to the moon. The moon also held deeper mysteries in ancient Chinese culture and has been the subject of legends and poetry.

Traditionally, Chinese people would stand on a high hill in the cool, crisp autumn night, or simply open their windows, to watch the bright full moon, marvel at its beauty, and send prayers and wishes to the moon goddess.

The moon was given different names depending on its phase and fullness. It is called silver or jade hook, jade arch or arch moon, or golden wheel, silver plate or jade mirror, as it goes through its phases.

The Legend of Chang Er

Many well-known legends about the moon have been passed down, including the ones about Wu Gang chopping down the Cassia tree and Chang Er being banished to the moon.

Chang Er was the beautiful wife of Hou Yi, an archer at the imperial court. According to the legend, there were ten suns in the sky during prehistoric times, and the heat made life for humans very miserable. Hou Yi, being an accomplished archer, shot down nine of the suns. For this, a goddess rewarded him with a magic immortality potion.

Hou Yi gave the potion to Chang Er for safekeeping, but Chang Er drank the potion, and as punishment the goddess banished Chang Er on the moon. It is said that the moon was enhanced by Chang Er’s beauty, and ever since then, Chinese people have gathered during each autumn moon to admire the moon and eat moon cake in her memory.

History of Moon Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival has a long history in China. The term “Zhongqiu,” or Mid-Autumn, first appeared in a book believed to be from the middle of the 2nd century BC called the Rites of Zhou, also known as Zhouli, which, among other things, depicts a ceremony that people held to show veneration for the moon.

During the Tang Dynasty (618-906 AD), the ceremony became more popular, and the Mid-Autumn festival was designated as an official holiday. August 15 in traditional Chinese lunar calendar is documented as the date of the Mid-Autumn festival in the Book of Tang, known as Tang Shu or Taizong Ji.

The Festival became even more widely celebrated after the Song Dynasty, and during the Ming and Qing Dynasties it became one of the major holidays in China, as important as the New Year.


Throughout history, many poems and songs about the moon and mid-autumn have been written, simply too numerous to be counted. Some can be found in the book Shi Jing, a collection of Classic Poetry, which first appeared in the middle of the second century BC.

Writing poetry was an art form and also a philosophical and spiritual discipline that was widespread among scholars and officials, even emperors. The clear, bright moon inspired ancient poets as a symbol of purity, nobleness, and broadmindedness. Others also saw it as a heavenly mystery to be contemplated.

“It was not the east that was bright,
it was the light of the moon coming forth,”
is a line from the Shi Jing.

“How wide the world was, how close the trees to heaven.
And how clear in the water the nearness of the moon!”
is a poem by Meng Haoran (689–740 AD).

“The stars lean down from open space,
and the moon comes running up the river,”
is part of a poem by Du Fu (712-770 AD).

“The moon, grown full now over the sea,
setting right the whole of heaven,”
is by Zhang Jiuling, a prime minister in the Tang Dynasty.

The famous Chinese poet Li Bai (701-762 AD), of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem titled “Drinking alone with the Moon,” which seems to speak of humanity lost in delusion and loneliness, yet still yearning for a connection with heaven.

“From a pot of wine among the flowers, I drank alone.
There was no one with me--till, raising my cup,
I asked the bright moon,
to bring me my shadow and make us three."