Sunday, December 9, 2012

4000 fans Get Gangnam Style PSYched at Singapore Marina Bay Sand

PSY Gangnam Style LIVE at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

The man is inescapable. Psy danced his way into town last weekend for a one-night-only showcase with a difference—the mini-concert was an opportunity for aspiring dancers from Singapore's O School to strut their stuff on stage with the K-pop sensation. 

Performing a three-song medley to thousands of screaming fans at the Event Plaza at Marina Bay Sands, the rotund star, swathed in an blindingly flashy black sequinned jacket with a bright cerulean sash, was flown in for a very special "Give Back to Singapore" public performance.
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Psy performing at the Event Plaza at Marina Bay Sands
At a press session before his performance, Psy expressed his admiration at the dancing skills of the young Singaporeans, and said he would pop by for another visit after the release of his album in March.

Meanwhile, George Tanasijevich, President & Chief Executive Officer of Marina Bay Sands said of the pop phenomenon's engagement with O School's budding talents: “The young students of O School opened the PSY showcase, revving up the over 4,000 members of the audience with Psy's signature Gangnam Style, while infusing their own panache into the number."

"The talents of O School are incredible dancers who demonstrated professionalism and excellent showmanship during the showcase. Marina Bay Sands is honoured to have them as one of our designated charities.”

Find out more about O School and the good work they do for youths from low-income families at theperformance art center's website.
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From Left: George Tanasijevich, President & Chief Executive Officer of Marina Bay Sands, Psy and Kenny Low, Managing Director of O School
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Psy with students from O School at a special meet-and-greet post performance
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While you enjoying the PSY Gangnam Style, pls take time to have a look at the beautiful painting below! ^o^

Have you ever been handed the truth leaflet by Falun Gong practitioner on the street as illustrated on the painting above? Do you know the Truth about Falun Gong? -

作者:中国大陆 法轮功学员 By Falun Gong Practitioner in China - Chunchun

The Chinese lady in the painting was reading the truth leaflet handed by a Falun Gong practitioner. Her child was treasuring the paper lotus flower handed by the practitioner, while seeing the practitioner rode off on her bicycle.


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Pls understand the truth about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. Pls do not believe the Chinese Communist Party's lies. 

Falun Dafa is Good! And it is embraced in 114 nations! 
